English Debating

English Debating

English Debating this year has been a lot of fun. We have gone to places like Cork and Dublin, doing various debates, like the UCC or Concern Debates, and attending different events, for example, going to the Youth Submit held in Dublin, and attending a debating workshop. Our teams have been very successful this year, making it to the semi-finals of the UCC Debates, and we were very proud to represent our school at this competition. We all worked together so well, and helped each other throughout the whole process, with research and improving our skills.

Not only has debating immensely improved my English writing, but also it has been a lot of fun and such a great experience! I would recommend everyone to at least give it a try because it’s something that you will never regret! I have learned so much from my time on the team, and I really look forward to next year. We would like to thank Ms O’Grady and Mr Stapleton for all the help we received throughout the year. Thank you.

By Laura O’Keeffe A5

Laurel Hill Secondary School

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South Circular Road, Limerick, Ireland.

Telephone: +353 (0)61 319383