Latest School News

Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme 2024/25

2024/06/27 09:30:21

<p>Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),</p> <p>I hope you and your family are well and you manage to get a break during the summer.</p> <p>For the 2024/25 school year, all students in Junior Cycle year in the free education system will receive free schoolbooks and certain classroom resources. Theses will be in place in September 2024.</p> <p>Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students commencing second and third year will already have purchased a significant amount of schoolbooks and classroom resources for Junior Cycle. Any additional schoolbooks and core classroom resources required by students in second and third year will now be covered under the new scheme.</p> <p>All schoolbook and core classroom resources provided under the new scheme will remain the property of the school, so that they can be reused in future years (where applicable).</p> <p>Schoolbooks will be provided on loan to students for the duration of 2024/25 school year and must be returned at the end of of the school year / at the end of the 3 years of Junior Cycle. Please remind your daughter to take care of their schoolbooks and classroom resources and keep them in good condition during the period that they are in their possession. It is not permitted to write on schoolbooks. <strong>There may be some additional classroom resources that are not covered by the scheme.</strong></p> <p>Further details (if any) on items parent(s)/guardian(s) will need to supply for the return to school in September will be communicated to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) in due course.</p> <p> </p> <p>Wishing you a lovely summer</p> <p>Kindest regards</p> <p>James Collins</p> <p> </p>

Summer Reports

2024/06/17 09:46:49

<p>Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),</p> <p> </p> <p>I do hope you had a nice weekend. I would like to congratulate all our Junior Cycle students who finished their state examinations last week and wish all our Leaving Certificate students the very best in their remaining exams.</p> <p><strong>Summer reports are now available for all 1st, 2nd and 5th Year Parent(s)/Guardian(s) on Compass.</strong> I would like to take this opportunity to commend all the students for their focus and attitude towards their summer exams. </p> <p>Correspondence regarding <strong>June Letter</strong> and <strong>return dates</strong> for the next academic year will be issued during the week.</p> <p>Finally I would like to thank all Parent(s)/Guardian(s) for their continue support to your daughter's school.</p> <p> </p> <p>Wishing you and your family a lovely summer.</p> <p>Kind regards</p> <p>James Collins</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

PE Uniform Cut-off date

2024/06/04 16:54:00

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), I have been in contact with So Hockey and they have made me aware that there are a number of PE Uniforms yet to be ordered from Parents/Guardian(s). The cut-off point for ordering is fast approaching amd will be closed in the coming days. Please find details below for ordering online or inshore. “Free initials on all PE kit when ordered before 01/06/24” Order online <a href="" style="color:rgb(0,120,212);"></a> Or instore <a href="" style="color:rgb(0,120,212);"></a> Now stocking the school uniform Kind regards James Collins

Best wishes for State Examinations

2024/06/04 15:30:36

<p>Dear Parent/Guardian,</p> <p>I hope you and your family had a nice bank holiday weekend.</p> <p>I would like to wish all our 3rd and 6th year students the very best in their state examinations commencing tomorrow. I have no doubt that they will be nervous, but the examinations are one of the many crossroads in their journey. I would also like to acknowledge the role of each and every Parent/Guardian, who have been there to support their daughter. </p> <p>May I respectfully remind all 3rd and 6th Years to report to school at 8:45 am tomorrow morning - June 5th. Full school uniform is to be worn by all exam pupils throughout the state examinations. All students have been informed of their examination centre. If your daughter is unsure of their exam centre, please go to the computer room in the morning.</p> <p>Study will also be available in the school library throughout each day for those sitting only one exam per day.</p> <p>Our thoughts and prayers are with you during the examinations.</p> <p>Kind regards</p> <p>Staff and Students of Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ</p>

Payment for school transport: Friday June 7th 2024

2024/06/04 08:36:50

<p>Dear Parent(s)/Guardian (s)</p> <p> </p> <p>A reminder that the Bus Éireann family portal is now open to accept payments. <strong>The closing date for payments is this coming Friday June 7th, 2024</strong></p> <p>Please find the link below for payment for Bus Éireann school transport</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family:'Segoe UI', '-apple-system', BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;font-size:medium;">How to pay for School Transport - Bus Éireann – URL via</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family:'Segoe UI', '-apple-system', BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;font-size:medium;">Kind regards</span></p> <p>James Collins</p>

Thank you

2024/05/30 18:27:38

<p>Good evening Parent(s)/Guardian(s),</p> <p> </p> <p>As we draw the academic year 2023/2024 to a close, I would like to thank all first year parents/guardians for your continued support to your daughters school.</p> <p>I would like to complement all the girls for their focus and attention during their summer examination. I do hope they enjoyed their first year in Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ. They have certainly been a pleasure to work with.</p> <p>Wishing you and your family a lovely summer.</p> <p>Kindest regards</p> <p> </p> <p>James Collins</p>

Lockers Clear Out

2024/05/29 14:38:54

<p>Reminder to all students that your <strong>lockers</strong> must be cleared out by tomorrow.</p> <p>Students have been advised by Year Heads to do so since last week.</p> <p>Please bring an<strong> extra bag</strong> to clear out the lockers of books, notes, etc.</p> <p>Any jackets left behind will be put into Lost & Found.</p> <p>Most students have returned their locks to the office.</p> <p>If not, please do so by tomorrow. </p> <p>Thank you.</p>

School Jacket

2024/05/29 08:52:17

<div> Dear Parent/Guardian,  </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> Soloform has kindly extended the online shop for school jackets to this Friday, 31st May. </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> Your daughter received a recommended size in the past week and details of ordering through online. </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> Sample jackets and details of ordering are still available at the school office if your daughter missed out on the opportunity for fitting.  </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> Only school jackets will be allowed for the next academic year. </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> Thanking you  </div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ </div>

Reminder - Conclusion of Supervised Study 2024

2024/05/29 08:30:03

<p><span>Please note that supervised study will conclude on Wednesday, May 29th for 3rd Year, 5th Year and 6th Year students. Study will finish at 6:00 pm on this day for 3rd Years and 9:00 am for 5th Year and 6th Year pupils subject to demand. </span></p> <p><span>No supervised study will take place on Thursday, May 30th or Friday, May 31st 2024. </span></p> <p><span>Thank you to all parent(s)/guardian and students for your support of the supervised study programme in the school throughout the 2023/2024 school year. </span></p>

Gemma's Uniforms

2024/05/28 08:32:26

<p>Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),</p> <p> </p> <p>I am aware that some Parents are awaiting items ordered through Gemma's Uniforms in April and have been unable to make contact with Gemma. I have made contact with Gemma regarding same. </p> <p>The order was due to be delivered on the 27th April, but due to transportation difficulties and being a 'special order', the goods are still in transit. Once the delivery arrives, Gemma will contact each Parent and I have agreed that Gemma can use our school for Parents to collect the items on an agreed date.</p> <p> </p> <p>Kind regards</p> <p>James Collins</p>

Laurel Hill Secondary School

© Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ 2024.

South Circular Road, Limerick, Ireland.

Telephone: +353 (0)61 319383